I would like to be able to track and create a campaign that target people that are repeated visitors but that havent purchased in XX time. For example to communicate a "we have missed you, here is a discount" popup to only them.
Olof @ Triggerbee
Olof @ Triggerbee
We've improved targeting based on Order Data. You find it under Audience => Add filter => Completed purchase
Erik Stridh
Hello Mimmie.
You can quite easily create a similar target group for your pop-up campaign already today with existing tools. However, I don't know if it is possible to set both factors because it is not possible to set a goal for how many times a customer has performed an event in Triggerbee. As far as I know?
(@Olof That would be a very good choice to have.) But you can do almost what you ask.
- Go in and create an audience
- Choose which event you want the target group to trigger (in this case Completed Purchase).
- Below the event, you set the time period (last 30 days)
- Publish the target group and create the campaign.
- Done
Wishing you a fantastically creative day and lots of sales in the new campaign :)
Karin @ Triggerbee
Hi Mimmie! 👋
This is already possible by creating an audience using a combination of two different goals. Here is an example of such an audience:
All users that: "Completed goal: Completed purchase in the last 60 days" + "NOT Completed goal: Completed purchase in the last 50 days".
Mimmie Liepe
Karin @ Triggerbee Oh ok, I wrote and asked and got the answer that it was not possible. But nice to hear! Will try it out.
Mimmie Liepe
Karin @ Triggerbee Is your solution better than Eriks above yours? If I want to target let's say people that have been purchase sometime before 4 months ago, should I do one with goal NOT "completed purchase 119 days ago" and then one with "goal compeleted purchase last xx (something way above 120)"?
Karin @ Triggerbee
Mimmie Liepe Yes, your example is correct! If you only target an audience with the condition "Completed purchase sometime during the last 30 days," there is a risk that the customer will receive the campaign immediately after completing a purchase. Therefore, you need to use two different conditions in this case. :)